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The incidence of thyroid cancer in England doubled over the last 20 years. The death rate has decreased in women over the same time period but has not changed in men. Most of the increase in incidence has been in one sub type known as papillary cancer, which has the best prognosis. This is thought to be largely due to increased detection of small papillary cancers associated with the more widespread use of ultrasound and fine needle biopsies.
Data Briefings 05/10/2010
Data briefings are short documents highlighting one issue and written for a general audience. The briefings published to date may be read online or downloaded in PDF format.
Landing page for Cancer Type and Topic Specific Work
Reports archive 30/12/2013
This page is an archive of all reports older than Jan 2013.
Routes to diagnosis 20/09/2012
This page has details about the latest work on routes to diagnosis. It holds links to resources and key messages.
Cancer outcome metrics for emergency presentations and stage
This document describes the MDT based service profiles for Breast and Colorectal cancer including details of how to use the profiles and who to contact for help.
Chemotherapy activity by tumour type and intent
TWW referrals by tumour type age stage sex year
Routes to Diagnosis 2006-2008 technical document.
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